lycid beetles - ορισμός. Τι είναι το lycid beetles
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Τι (ποιος) είναι lycid beetles - ορισμός

Jugular-horned Beetles; Jugular-horned beetles
  • Larva of ''Dryocora howitti''

rove beetle         
¦ noun a long-bodied beetle with very short wing cases, typically found among decaying matter.
·noun Any rove beetle.
  • swimming]] limbs
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  • Blister beetles such as ''[[Hycleus]]'' have brilliant [[aposematic]] coloration, warning of their toxicity.
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  • Thar Desert]]
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  • Batesian mimic]] of wasps
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  • Coleoptera at the [[Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe]], Germany
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  • [[Cotton boll weevil]]
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  • The ivory-marked beetle, ''[[Eburia quadrigeminata]]'', may live up to 40 years inside the [[hardwood]]s on which the larva feeds.
  • A scarab in the [[Valley of the Kings]]
  • Front view of the head of ''[[Lamia textor]]''
  • Scarabaeiform]] larva of [[Hercules beetle]]
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  • A beetle's body systems
  • ''[[Coccinella septempunctata]]'', a predatory beetle beneficial to agriculture
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  • The life cycle of the [[stag beetle]] includes three [[instar]]s.
  • A [[camouflage]]d [[longhorn beetle]], ''[[Ecyrus dasycerus]]''
  • The plate was labelled "Neocerambyx æneas, Cladognathus tarandus, Diurus furcellatus, Ectatorhinus Wallacei, Megacriodes Saundersii, Cyriopalpus Wallacei".}} A few of the 2,000 species of beetle collected by [[Alfred Russel Wallace]] in [[Borneo]]
  • human consumption]]
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  • Fossil and life restoration of ''Moravocoleus permianus'' ([[Tshekardocoleidae]]) from the Early Permian of the Czech Republic, representative of the morphology of early beetles
  • Meloidae]]) feeding on the petals of ''[[Ipomoea carnea]]''
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  • ''[[Photinus pyralis]]'', firefly, in flight
  • carnivorous]] genera became more common. In the [[Cenozoic]], genera at all three [[trophic level]]s became far more numerous.
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  • Larvae of the [[Colorado potato beetle]], ''Leptinotarsa decemlineata'', a serious crop pest
  • pmc=3267148 }}</ref>
  • An Israeli Copper Flower-Chafer (''[[Protaetia cuprea]] ignicollis'') on a crown daisy (''[[Glebionis coronaria]]'')
  • [[Punctate flower chafer]]s (''Neorrhina punctata'', Scarabaeidae) mating
  • A dung beetle rolling dung
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  • collecting water from fog]] on its back.
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  • [[Zopheridae]] in [[jewellery]] at the [[Texas A&M University]] Insect Collection
Coleoptera; Coleopterists; Beetles; Coleopteran; The Beetles; Palm beetle; Black-Beetle; Beetel; Choleoptera; Coleopterans; Beetle larva; Respiratory systems of beetles; Grub (larva); Anatomy of beetles; 🪲; Evolutionary history of beetles; Beetle as food; Beetles as food
A beetle is an insect with a hard covering to its body.



Prostomidae is a family of beetles with no vernacular common name, though recent authors have coined the name jugular-horned beetles. They are often found in dead wood. The family consist of two extant genera with about 20 species. Prostomis americanus is known from North America. Other species of Prostomis are found in Europe, Africa, the Pacific region and East Asia. Species of Dryocora are known from New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania.

Prostomidae are elongate beetles with parallel sided elytra. They have the mandibles forward facing (prognathous) and have a large jugular process. The antennae are 11 segmented with a weak club formed by the last three segments. The large mandibles, small eyes, the elytra and pronotum of the same width, and a tarsal formula of 4-4-4 make them distinctive. Larvae and adults are found mainly inside fallen logs. The larvae feed on the rotten wood, particularly on the rotting heartwood of thick logs, as well as the mud-like matter found in red coloured decomposing wood.

An extinct genus, Vetuprostomis is known from several species described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber found in northern Myanmar. It is suggested to be more closely related to Dryocora than to Prostomis.